Wednesday, September 24, 2014



In the previous article we briefly described the Antichrist and the Zionists(so called Jews) of Israel.
Here I will give you few references from the sayings (Ahadith) of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. which will help you understand the characteristic  of Antichrist (Dajjal).
Hazrat Abdullah Narrated that Prophet P.B.U.H. said that
Certainly, Allah does not conceal things from you; Allah is surely not one-eyed, blind, while Dajjāl Messiah(Falls Messiah mean Antichrist)  is indeed one-eyed, his right eye, his eye looks like a bulging out grape.
This Hadith explains few things-
1: Dajjal is one eyed his right eye is blind.
2: He will claim Divinity.
3: He have disability while Allah (GOD) is not Disable.
Hazrat Annus Narrated that Prophet P.B.U.H. said that
There has not been a Prophet except that he warned his people About the liar one eyed (Dajjal) beware! Dajjal is one eyed while your Lord(Allah) is not one eyed. Moreover the letters Ka-Fa-Ra (KFR) will be written in between the (space of) both eyes ( on forehead)  
This hadith shows that Test of Dajjal is not just a common test of faith but this is too harsh because every Prophet of Allah (GOD) warn his people about it.
Hadith also expose Zionists who claim to be the followers of Prophet Moses P.B.U.H. and the believers of Torah (Old Testament) because Moses P.B.U.H. warned his people of the Antichrist (Dajjal) while Zionists are dispiritedly waiting for Dajjal against the teachings of Prophet Moses P.B.U.H.
Another sign which told in this hadith are 3 letters  Ka-Fa-Ra.
Hazrat Huzaifa Narrates from Prophet P.B.U.H. that he said that
Dajjal will appear (in a condition where he will have with him) with water and fire however whatever that people will think is water will be something which burns and whatever the people think is fire will be cool and sweet water, so whoever found (Dajjal) must prefer to fall in whatever seems fire to him.
We need to understand both apparent and hidden meanings of this hadith.
either it stating that Dajjal will shower bombs (Fire) on those who oppose him as a result Allah will give them the water from the springs of haven if they being killed by Dajjal here, while those who are drinking wine with Dajjal here will be in hell after this life.
Or it is possible that Dajjal will make it to appear to the people if the water is fire and fire is water.
Or even his fire will be real but Allah will take the heat from it and it will not burn anyone like he did it for Prophet Ibrahim P.B.U.H. but then it is possible that people will not come to drink his water because his water will burn the people and nobody will come to him then, while Dajjal will never want it so.
If we compile all the signs about Dajjal as per stated in Ahadith( sayings of Prophet P.B.U.H.) we will have the list below.
1: Dajjal will be Young
2: He have curly hair which will appear like the roots of a tree.
3: He is strong built and having red complexion.
4: He is one eyed (Blind from right eye).
5:  The letters Ka-Fa-Ra (KFR) will be written in between the (space of) both eyes ( on forehead)
6: he will appear from the area between Syria and Iraq.
7: 70000 Jews (Zionists) of Isfahan (City of Iran) will be his (initial) Followers.
8: He will spread mischief in the land.
9: Initially he will claim to be a religious leader or Prophet and later on he will claim Divinity.
10: Demons will accompany him and on his order they will change their forms ( Appearances) to someone who passed away to deceive his siblings that Dajjal brought his father back to life. Those demons will even get the appearance of someone’s pets who died to make him believe that Dajjal can bring back the death to life.
11: the wealth of the world will follow him like bees following their queen.
12: the clouds will rain upon his command and the earth will grown corps on his order.(Search for HARP on internet)
13: he will travel the world but will not be able to enter Makka (Mecca) and Madina.
14: he will set his camp outside Madina in a salty place ( Dajjal Palace is already being built outside Madina on Jabl-e-Habsh)
15: from their he will move towards Syria (note Israel was not there in the Time of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H.)
16: Jesus Christ P.B.U.H. will kill Dajjal on the gate of LOD.

From mention above ahadith and signs one can easily understand the severity of Dajjal’s Temptation.
Introduction and understanding of Dajjal (Antichrist) was necessary so that you may know who exactly these Zionists are waiting for and who is there promised King.
To form the Government and kingdom of Dajjal those Zionists have formed UNO and NATO so they can easily impose NWO (New World Order).
The greatest companion of Dajjal the Lucifer (Satan) himself guiding these Zionists.
To be continued.   

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